
Shreyansh Shah

As the world is increasingly becoming a nano-reality, as we are embarking upon newer possibilities, inventions and inclusive critical thinking processes, the role of education is becoming definitive and decisive. Energetic youth require right kind of education for their growth. The same idea has been reflected in NEP-2020 and hence, the need for world class university.

With this vision, Shreyarth University strives to become one of the strongest pillars to impact education in the fields of management, computer science, mass communication and journalism, and so on. I hope that Shreyarth University will benefit the aspiring and promising students in all their endeavor and mission.

Let us collectively participate in making India shine.

Vice President

The world outside your textbook is a world of ruthless realities and jerk awakening. to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and realities. The role of a torch-bearer becomes very critical for success. Right education system at foresighted University nourishes your tender dreams with attainable landmarks and goals.

Shreyarth University invites students with zest, spirit and inclination to aspire their bigger dreams flanked by our innovative and unique curriculum. We aim to balance your equilibrium of education and practical realities in order to shape you to be successful future professionals, start-ups, entrepreneurs, etc


Sudhir Nanavati